Continue pulling out the small squares from the bag or hat one at a time.If they find the same number, they color it with crayons, cover it with the small candy or mark it off with the paper marker.

Kids look for that number on their bingo card.Start playing by having one person or the host pull out a small square card out of the bowl and call out the word.Cut out the calling sheet in small squares.Printable Bingo Cards and Calling Sheet.We recommend heavy card stock paper for best results. To get started, print the bingo cards and the calling sheet. These bingo cards are perfect for classroom setting, small or big group of kids, or take these along for long road trips, family outings or kids birthday parties. Best part is they have fun while learning. When they play Sight Words Bingo, they are not just practicing their reading skills but also working on their concentration and fine motor skills. It is important that they recognize these words from their memory and know how to read these quickly. Sight Words Bingo Game is perfect for children who are learning to read these simple words.